Grace Emerges

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quality of Life Metrics

by Brad Duncan

I measure quality of life, like many folks out there, by counting the truly good things in my life.  Some of those good things are tangible -- I'll send you photos of my wife, two boys (9 and 13), two dogs (Wags and Mojo), and two cats (Buddy and Jacob) if you want to see some of my favorite tangible good things.

On the other hand, some of those good things are intangible but huge: like Joy, Peace, Freedom, Faith, Hope, Loving and Being Loved.

When I think of good news, it means that good things are happening, and good things are coming, like those intangibles listed above.

The spiritual side of good news is that the Holy Spirit is establishing good things, from God's point of view.  This is the promise declared by prophets, angels, John the Baptist, and Jesus himself.  God's plan to bring good things. Things that God likes.  Tangible and intangible good things that God appreciates.

The Holy Spirit is not about me.  But it IS about good news.  The Holy Spirit is attributed with actions like comforting, guiding, teaching, strengthening, gifting, and bring good qualities (fruits) to believers.  And this IS good news for me.  As a believer, some of the hardest things for me to find using any human effort, like Peace for instance, are part of the gifts and fruits that the Holy Spirit is working so hard to create in this place called Earth - the kingdom of God among us.  The Holy Spirit transforms people in such a spectacular way that good things are grown organically in the soil of faith, and spread from one person to the other.

My point is: quality of life is exactly the purview of the Holy Spirit.  Prayers, churches, worship songs, blogs about God - these sometimes miss the truth that the work of God is to bring quality of life.  The work of God is all about Good News.  Good news, as viewed from God's point of view, not mine (since my selfish perspective might skew the concept of good news purely in my favor, like Riches and Power for ME).

An outcome of this fact is that we, Christians, are incorrect and out of sync with God, when we make our faith about BAD NEWS.  Bad news like judging.  Bad news like requirements and conditions.  I will never, ever, be a defender of the bad news.  I don't trade in bad news.  I am a declarer of good news.  Good news that brings good things, like Peace and Freedom.

I am a Christ follower, and I am here to make a difference.

See also the longer article on this topic.

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