Grace Emerges

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Theology of Freedom - Repost

This article I wrote a while back goes well with my series on Luke.  So I'm posting it again!

Freedom is essential to the nature of God.  Jesus came to free everyone who suffers (Luke 4:18).

God in his freedom, made and makes choices about how to interact with us, (created us, loves us, relates to us, came to Earth in the flesh as Jesus, involves himself in our lives, answers our requests, shows us his wisdom, connects to us through the Holy Spirit).

God in his freedom, made us in his own image, a picture of Freedom.  We can choose to relate to God, choose to care about others, choose to be unselfish, choose to grow.     In his design, God endowed us with a creative mind that is capable of complex choices involving facts, feelings, and spiritual ideals.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chapter 6 Part 2: Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Luke 6:27-49
by Brad Duncan

Join me on this adventure through the Gospel of Luke as I explore the revolution of God's grace poured out to us, and how it can lead to our fulfilling God's greatest plan to build his kingdom on Earth.

The Journey so far follows these themes: Preparation.  Incarnation.  Revolution.  Liberation.  Transformation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Church of Humankind

by Brad Duncan

What if we woke up tomorrow, and God in his infinite wisdom had closed down the church?

Shut it down?  

What if tomorrow he had told all the spiritual leaders that he wanted to do something entirely different now and had closed the church?  Not because he was angry, but because he now had a new plan?

What could be his reasons?  Consider these:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Perfection without Love

"Perfection of self
without love for others
is not worth the effort." 
  -- Paul, I Corinthians 13

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chapter 6 Part 1: Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Luke 6:1-26
by Brad Duncan

Join me on this adventure through the Gospel of Luke as I explore the revolution of God's grace poured out to us, and how it can lead to our fulfilling God's greatest plan to build his kingdom on Earth.

The Journey so far follows these themes: Preparation.  Incarnation.  Revolution.  Liberation.  Transformation.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Faith vs. Works, James 2

by Brad Duncan

Christians fundamentally believe in life change. Repentance means change on the inside, leading to change on the outside. But what needs to change? We’re under pressure to perfect ourselves both in the competitive world we live in, and in the religious framework many of us were raised in. If we’re not careful we become self-absorbed and introspective in the process of trying to be better: more disciplined, more well-behaved, more giving, more spiritual, more serious, more easy to get along with, more responsible, more submissive, more evangelistic, the list goes on... James Chapter 2 talks about the balance of faith and works. Verse 24 says
“So you see that a person is shown to be righteous through faithful actions and not through faith alone,”
and in verse 26 says:
"As the lifeless body is dead, so faith without actions is dead."
But is James talking about this type of introspective discipline, leading to personal perfection? No there’s not a word of that in this chapter. All of his examples are about outwardly visible fruits of kindness.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chapter 5: Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Luke Chapter 5 (Luke 5:1-38)
by Brad Duncan

Join me on this adventure through the Gospel of Luke as I explore the revolution of God's grace poured out to us, and how it can lead to our fulfilling God's greatest plan to build his kingdom on Earth.

The Journey so far follows these themes: Preparation.  Incarnation.  Revolution.  Liberation.  Transformation.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chapter 4: Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Revolutionary Adventures in the Gospel of Luke

Luke Chapter 4 (Luke 4:1-44)
by Brad Duncan

Join me on this adventure through the Gospel of Luke as I explore the revolution of God's grace poured out to us, and how it can lead to our fulfilling God's greatest plan to build his kingdom on Earth.